“It’s a modern Sportsman’s best friend all the way!”
says Idaho sportsman, “Never, never… will I go hunting without my new Trail ’50’. Recently I packed out two strapping deer from Idaho’s toughest timberland and witnessed two more hunters bringing in four more – also on Trail ’50’s (one of them was a 5-point 250 lb, trophy buck). I was able to scout ten times as much hunting area as on foot, also used my ’50’ for hauling water, dragging firewood logs, and general around-camp errands.
“This year’s hunting was the best yet… thanks mainly to a little critter called a Honda Trail ’50’!”
Herb Uhl, President
Herco Engineering Co.
Boise, Idaho
Mr. Uhl’s enthusiasm is typical of the many hundreds of outdoorsmen who have purchased and hunted with a Honda Trail “50”.
Trail “50”s are sold in America by the American Honda MotorCo., Inc.

Evel Knievel Snake River Jump September 8, 1974